Monster Math! Learning to ADD and Subtract
You may have heard your child say, "3+3=6", and assume that your child knows how to add. The process of ADDITION and SUBTRACTION entails much more than memorizing the facts. Hands-on experiences help your child understand the why and how of addition and subtraction. It is important to have your child explain to you what is happening in a problem and use various math terms: add, plus, minus, subtract, take away, equals, makes, etc., so it will connect in real-life problems. The shift is away from endless "drill and kill." Experts say that children learn better by working with objects and discovering various ways to find answers. 1.) Use a wire hanger and 5 clip type clothespins. Cut apart the fact cards and keep the addition separate from the subtraction cards. Choose one of the ADDITION FACT CARDS from the pile. If it said 1+3, you would clip one clothespin to the left side of the hanger. Then, clip 3 more to the right side. Say 1+3 and slide the clothespins toge...