6 Tips to Keep You and Your Home Safe This Summer
It's summer and while the days are longer and life seems to slow down a bit, it's important to remember safety. Here are some tips to keep you, your family and your home safe all summer long. 1.) Stay Hydrated: Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink, try and drink two to four glasses of fluid each hour. Avoid sugary drinks or drinks with high alcohol content when in the heat. Monitor your children and make sure they are getting plenty of fluids while playing. 2.) Grilling is an outdoor activity: Use grills outside and don't put pits or grills too close to your home. If you use charcoal when grilling be sure to dispose of them once they are completely cool. 3.) Keep your lawn safe: Keep kiddos away from lawnmowers and never let them ride on the mower. Keep your grass clippings at a minimum as they invite ticks. 4.) Home Sweet Home: Put blind strings out of reach from small children . Review boundaries with your children when they play outside and require the bud