
Showing posts from January, 2011


    On Tuesday The Divine Miss M came home from school with a note that she would be representing her class in the school's First and Second Grade Spelling Bee. This was a proud moment as a mom. She is among the top three spellers in her class. Woot! Woot! To that!   Then I looked at the words we were to practice...four pages, four columns, front, and back. There were no words on her weekly spelling tests. In fact, my husband's response upon reviewing the words was, "I can't spell half of those."   For two nights we studied like Munks. We recited. We spelled. We repeated. We used dry erase markers and covered the windows in words. We used post-it notes for spelling . Our dinner conversation was about spelling words. Our trek to and from the bus stop was spelling words. It was intense.     This morning, we showered and got ready (while spelling words). We went to breakfast at school and at 9:15 am The Divine Miss M, and her 18 competitors entered the auditorium. Th