I NEED Therapy
It's Probably More Cost Effective to Just Get the Degree Here we are, middle of the Baby Lullaby Event and I'm starting to feel like a new mom all over! I'm sleep deprivied, wondering how to balance everything and feeling like I have lost control...never to claim it as mine again. Muahahaha! I'm serious! School is coming to an end and I'm trying to keep up. This morning as I was signing paper after paper with reading minutes and permissions, I noticed that one of the papers we were returning was dated MARCH...as in THREE MONTHS AGO! If you've read this blog you might recall it was the end of March when I became sick. A cold mutated to the Flu , which then transformed to STREP! I had to apologize to my children for not being more compassionate when they had STREP! I can only wonder what else I've overlooked. This morning was a sea of tears because there was a Water Party and my child was really peeved that her ...