I NEED Therapy
It's Probably More Cost Effective to Just
Get the Degree
Here we are, middle of the Baby Lullaby Event and I'm starting to feel like a new mom all over!
I'm sleep deprivied, wondering how to balance everything and feeling like I have lost control...never to claim it as mine again. Muahahaha!
I'm serious!
School is coming to an end and I'm trying to keep up.
This morning as I was signing paper after paper with reading minutes and permissions, I noticed that one of the papers we were returning was dated MARCH...as in THREE MONTHS AGO!
If you've read this blog you might recall it was the end of March when I became sick.
A cold mutated to the Flu, which then transformed to STREP!
I had to apologize to my children for not being more compassionate when they had STREP!
I can only wonder what else I've overlooked.
This morning was a sea of tears because there was a Water Party and my child was really peeved that her dad made her stay home two days this year--the child was running a high fever and throwing up and said she couldn't make it until NOON.
Therefore, because her Dad was mean, she might not get to participate in the Water Party.
Just in case the Good Fairy was over-seeing things, I sent her in her "can get wet" clothes and with a towel.
Thankfully, it turns out this was the "No White Slips" Party---the Perfect Attendance one is NEXT week--I can hardly wait to relive this morning again!
My Kindergartner, The Divine Miss M, is hyperventilating and having crying attacks because.....school's almost out!
She loves school and her teacher and just can't imagine "a whole summer without them"!
It snowed Monday morning.
Then Tuesday it was nearly 80.
Today a moderate 70 something with overcast skies.
Mud has found its way to my carpet from Boy Wonder and his amazing ability to find the stuff and share the love.
I'm behind on reviews and giveaways...WAY behind.
I tell myself, "Type until your fingers bleed"--that doesn't seem to be happening.
Payday was LAST Thursday...we're still waiting.
Funny thing, the folks WE owe money to don't seem to be nearly as patient as we're expected to be.
On a good note, I'm glad Weigh In Wednesday has relocated to Fall Off Friday because I stood on the scale this morning, and Whoah! there is one very hungry person eating her way vicariously through me!
I'm on edge.
I walked to get my child from the bus stop and at the end of our sidewalk, a swarm of police officers started running towards me, with their hands on their holsters. I've never done anything wrong in my life and yet I thought they were after me.
Thankfully, my instinct to run was overrun by the thought that would take far more energy than I could manage.
In between the loud beating of my heart, I heard an officer ask if I had seen a bleached blonde gal in a denim skirt?
Um, No.
There was a calm and then everyone started running again and the officer told me, "We found her!"
See...you're really not alone.
I'm right there with you rowing my heart out trying to keep up!
I'm hoping to pull it all together.
I'm pretty sure I need therapy.
It's probably going to be far more cost-effective to just enroll in college and get the degree myself and buy my own couch.
Here's to a BonJovious tomorrow!
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