Live Clean (Baby) Review
Live Clean (Baby) Review Clara has enjoyed the Live Clean Baby products during baths and diaper changings. The fragrance is light and pleasant - unlike some other baby brands. I like the fact that it isn't greasy and cleans well. It is nice to know there is a brand that is good for the earth and the baby's well-being. While I am not much of a "green" thinker, I was appalled when I looked at my current brand of baby shampoo! How could we have been putting all of these harsh ingredients on my sweet newborns?! While there are many ingredients in these products that I can't pronounce, I like that they are at the END Of the ingredient list and ingredients like flower extracts are the primary ingredients, and all ingredients are organic. The harsh chemicals in other products worry me because I don't know how it will affect my baby's sensitive skin... especially now that Clara is going through her baby acne stage. Live Clean Baby TEARLESS SHAMPOO...