High School Musical 3 Makes a Star at Home

Today the phone call came that, by my son's accounts, will make him a STAR (perhaps only at our house). My 15 year old dreams of being famous. He has since he was too young to talk. He doesn't care what it is that makes him a household name, he just wants to have SUPERSTAR attached at the beginning or end of his name. So for his birthday two weeks ago we paid for a membership to a movie extra site in our local area. It wasn't anything extravagant, but it was well worth the dreams that filled our boy's head. Endless ideas on their calling. His accepting. Yada, yada, yada. Well, it happened. They called him. High School Musical 3. It was glorious. Truly it was. He printed the consent form. Got right to work on deciding what he would wear. When he decided on a Hollister shirt he stressed that perhaps "they" would be mad because it was a brand name. Then we fussed over our hair...combed to the side? like we just got out of bed? faux mohawk? parted down the center? OH, my! As added glitter, they asked him to come Saturday AND Sunday. A two for one deal. According to the Salt Lake City Tribune, "...to help lure the production back to where it all began – at Salt Lake City's East High School He is too excited. In fact, if he doesn't stop jumping up and down and trying on clothes and hairstyles, he may show up in rags and bald. Let the countdown begin to his moment of fame and may it be all he hopes it is! Here's to the experience of being an extra in a teenage movie by the name of High School Musical 3 and being a STAR at our house. We appreciate your subscription to Morrison See and Do!


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