High School Musical 3...and the Mini-Superstar!

The alarm clock downstairs rang announcing today was the day for High School Musical 3 and the mini-superstar living in our basement. Today was the big day. My second child was selected as an "extra" in the filming of High School Musical 3. Oh, he was excited. He took forever getting ready. Shower, then an extra-long facial, followed by hair gel, hair spray, and my guess, cologne as well. He put on his brown cargo pants and Abercrombie and Fitch shirt and loaded his backpack with his change of clothes. And then, at 8:30 am he stood in the kitchen all gussied up with backpack on and ready. We had to tell him that check-in wasn't for 2-hours and settle in. I think he was sure the clocks had stopped. The excitement was killing him. Finally, it was time to go. As my husband covered instructions with him, what the money was for, where to meet for pick up, where the payphone was, here's your lunch, blah, blah, blah....my son's only response was, "Can I go now?!" It's a 12 hour day for the 15-year-old. He's doing something he thinks he loves. I hope when his day ends he is as excited and thrilled as he was this morning. ...and ready to do it all again tomorrow! May he meet many, work hard and return the mini-superstar he thinks he already is! We appreciate your subscription to Mommy's Memorandum


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