Capture My Utah Published List Released

 From the Capture My Utah website:

It's a wrap! Thanks again to everyone who uploaded, voted, shared, commented, loved and otherwise participated in the project.
The Capture My Utah book would not be possible without the overwhelming support of all Capture My Utah users.
We appreciate you very much.
In all, 763 photographers submitted 12,502 photos, and users cast 792,346 votes to shape the Capture My Utah book.
We hope you'll see the Capture My Utah book on coffee tables all over the place and feel a sense of ownership in what you helped create.
rainbow over old house in utah desert


While this is exciting news, the BEST part is my son, Zac, who entered several photos was fortunate enough to have one of his pictures made it to the book!

Granted it wasn't a GRAND PRIZE, but sometimes exposure for a sixteen-year-old aspiring photographer comes in the form of having your picture appear as an "Intro Page" Photo.

I am proud and think he entered some amazing's the one that appears in the book, "Capture My Utah"



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