With Gratitude...Southern Ooaks

 Thank You, Southern Ooaks

You know, this blogging thing isn't a paying gig. It's time-consuming. I love it. I have met soooo many wonderful people through my blog. It's grown tremendously and I feel warm and fuzzy like it's my child and we're experiencing so many "firsts" together!
Sometimes, someone will reach out and send me something as a thank you. I love surprises in the mail and my family enjoys experiencing the love someone put into something for us.
My girls are CRAZY about the hair accessories from "Artistry by McKenzie*G".
My husband has "claimed" the 5x7 art work by Robin of smArtee.
I try and live up to the expectations of my mother and write a "Thank You"--in the world of blogosphere, I call it a "review"! Thank you for these little moments in my mailbox that span over the hearts of my family.
Today, I experienced something different. Regina from Southern Ooaks wrote the most love-filled post on her blog about me and Mommy's Memorandum. If you would like to read it and see how one comment, turned into one feature,..which turned into one Etsy Shop...which turned into a great friendship-- visit her blog "Southern Ooaks"...it warmed my soul.
Thank you, Regi!


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