Butter Up You Buttercup with CJ's Butter Review

 The world of skin care has changed dramatically in my lifetime. I remember as a little girl watching Noxema commercials. My mom was an Ivory girl and since moving back to Utah after ten years in Miami, I've come to appreciate moisturizers! We were sent CJ's BUTTer in a variety of scents and forms and oh. my! Absolute indulgence!

We have heard many good things about the brand, and I can tell you after having used it all, they were all understated. CJ's BUTTer is one of the most incredible products available.
We started with a stick of CJ's BUTTer in Pink Sugar. Immediately when the cap was removed The Divine Miss M inhaled deeply and said, "OH! That smells yummy!"  The stick is convenient and I know that it would be such a great addition to a baby's diaper bag. It's small enough to fit in a pocket and the stick applicator makes it a breeze to use. Far easier, and less messy, than typical tubes.
We don't have a bambino at our house, but it didn't deter us from using CJ's BUTTer. The Divine Miss M declared this stick perfect for her terminally chapped lips. I used some on a dry patch of skin on my elbow and Li'l Man wrote his name on his leg and then rubbed it in. For each of us it absorbed well and left supple, not greasy skin.
With three of my children I used cloth diapers. I don't know that it was because I was worried about the environment, but I was worried about their li'l bottoms. With my last two, I worked, and Dad wasn't a go-getter when it came to keeping up with cloth diapers. It was here that we were introduced to diaper rash and urine burns. It's not that we weren't diligent. The Divine Miss M just has uber-sensitive skin.
CJ's BUTTer is truly a product I wish had been available when I was raising babies. I know it would have protected little bottoms and because it's all natural, there would have been far less to worry about when it came to their health!
I'm calling CJ's BUTTer stick a wonder cream! Look at all its uses:
  • An all-natural, cloth-friendly BUTTer that's perfect for everything from eczema, diaper rash and wintertime chapped cheeks to frizzy hair, split ends and postpartum relief. Great for both babies and adults!
  • Use for black/mixed hair - leaves hair soft and shiny. Helps alleviate those 'owies' when trying to separate locks.
  • Melt a dollop under running bath water for a relaxing, soothing and anti-inflammatory soak - provides relief for post-partum soreness and hemorrhoids.
  • Provides protection against windburned cheeks and face, and helps to relieve windburn.
  • Promotes healing and provides a non-stick barrier when used after a circumcision.
  • Heal sore skin: hangnails and cuticles, rug burns and more


 But it wasn't just the stick that had us loving CJ's BUTTer. There was lotion...rich, decadent, creamy body butter. It was like a scratch and sniff party and our skin was spoiled!

There were so many scents to tickle our senses.

Cucumber Melon

Lavender and Tea Tree (Vegan)

Plus (shea butter, olive oil, coconut oil, beeswax, cocoa butter, sesame oil, vitamin E and Neem oil)

Oatmeal Milk and Honey


Honey Patchouli

My Pixie Pie

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="200"]Li'l Man with CJ's BUTTer Monkey Farts Monkey Farts wins hands down[/caption]

In the end, the favorite scent was Monkey Farts. The kiddos giggle at the name and drool over the smell.

Those delicious smells are just the beginning, there's great variety in their amazing scents:



 After bath-time, we have been diligent about applying the CJ's BUTTer Lullaby Lotion to Li'l Man. He has terribly dry skin year round. We've tried a lot of lotions and creams, most contain alcohol, which seems an oxymoron when you're trying to moisturize. CJ's BUTTer has make his skin more supple. He doesn't complain he itches. He is also a fan of the scent (think baby powder).

CJ's BUTTer offers a moisturizing soap that my husband has been using and it has significantly improved his cracked finger tips. It also smells incredible (Blueberry Crumble). It can be diluted to be used as a wipes solution. It's also unique in that it has no synthetic lathering agent, so there's no suds!
Even I have a favorite. I am in love with the spritz! We received the Mango, Sugar Mint scent and I love the compliments. My skin looks incredible after using this and it feels so much better. If you buy nothing else for yourself, indulge in CJ's BUTTer Spritz! I've even used it on my hair and noticed much more manageable locks.
Regardless, of how you use CJ's BUTTer, you're going to be HOOKED!

Available in four formulas:

  • Original: Shea Butter, Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Lanolin, Beeswax, Cocoa Butter, Vitamin E and Collodial Oatmeal. Fragrance or essential oils added to scented formulas.
  • Stick: Original formula (with the lanolin removed) in an easy-to-use twist-up stick
  • Spritz: Original formula, in a convenient spritz bottle (great for the summer diaper bag or times when baby's skin is too tender to even be touched) - also loved as a leave-in conditioner
  • Plus (formerly 'yeast fighting'): If you are dealing with a particularly difficult and hard-to-beat rash, try this unscented formula. Excludes the lanolin and oatmeal of the Original formula, and adds in sesame oil and neem oil, as well as large amounts of coconut oil.
  • Vegan or sensitive to coconut? Check out CJ's Vegan BUTTer!
  • Oodles of amazing scents available!

They even offer lip balm. It's all good for your lips made from soybean oil, cocoa butter, shea butter, apricot kernel oil, almond oil, coconut oil, vegetable glycerin, beeswax, and a hint of flavor. Who can resist flavors like mochaccino, lemon cheesecake and vanilla chai latte, and liptricity (peppermint). Sorta makes your heart flutter; doesn't it!

CJ's BUTTer is one of the most amazing products to use and with the ability to multi-task it's perfect for the entire family. EVERY product is handcrafted using only carefully selected ingredients and most are available in over three dozen scent options.


Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


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