Skillet Bacon Jam: Not for the Eyes, Made for the Tastebuds!

 I love to be creative in the kitchen, and Skillet Bacon Jam has been a fun addition to my creativity. I think everything tastes better with bacon, and with Skillet Bacon Jam, it was far easier to make happen. I don't like the bacon mess cleanup, and Skillet Bacon Jam eliminated that while still giving me the bacon flavor.

When it arrived, I was excited. I opened the sample jar, and it didn't look very appealing, but I'm not one to let that stop me--especially when it comes to bacon! Besides, I had read about Skillet Bacon Jam on their website and discovered this about them:

We make this bacon spread condiment called bacon say what?.. that’s right, we use niman ranch bacon and render it down along with onions, balsamic and other spices. It cooks for several hours until it is a perfect blend of smoky, tangy, savory and slightly sweet….basically spreadable bacony goodness!  USDA approved.

Spreadable bacony goodness? How could anyone resist that!? The kiddos thought it smelled like hot off the stove bacon, and we tried a little straight from the jar. It was really good!
I mean, really? The jam is made of quality bacon, reduced down, mixed with onions and spices and simmered to perfection!
I wasn't sure what to do with it--to be honest, I was ready to just get a spoon and eat it straight from the jar, but sharing is something I've been working on, so....I made burgers, and then I mixed the bacon spread in with ranch dressing, and we used it as a topping. It was really, really good. The flavor of bacon was a great touch. There are more recipes on Skillet's recipe page.
I loved that there was no bacon grease to clean up, but I could still have the flavor of bacon. It's a unique flavor that we've spread on top of bread, mixed in with green beans (this was my favorite) and more!
Don't let the appearance of the Bacon Jam deter you from tasting it. It has great flavor and is an easy add-in for almost anything! It's available through Skillet Bacon Jam's Website.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


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