Topricin Offers Relief This Summer

 Memorial Day launches our start to summer. It's a celebration as we’ll be spending more time outdoors – and that means dealing with bug bites, sunburn, poison ivy, blisters and recreational injuries that can potentially derail your summer fun.

But the thought of summer injuries won’t get you down if you are equipped with an important summer accessory: Topricin Pain Relief Healing Cream.

Fueled by nature not chemicals, Topricin medicated cream promotes rapid relief of the most common pain symptoms.

Topricin is an odorless, non-greasy blend of eleven natural ingredients that support the body’s basic function of maintaining healthy cells and repairing damaged ones through enhanced healing and restores vitality to joints, nerves and muscles.

One two-ounce tube of Topricin offers multiple uses.

-Minimize the discomfort and duration of poison ivy and bug bites: Topricin treats the symptoms of the rash by revitalizing, restoring, moisturizing and providing vibrancy and energy to the skin to minimize the discomfort and duration of the pain symptoms so you can get back to your summer fun.

-Soothe sunburn and blisters: Topricin provides rapid relief for symptoms of sunburn. The product contains highly purified water, plus coconut oil, which is a fabulous emollient for skin and provides natural, healthy moisture to maintain normal hydration of skin and PH balance. (While it does provide some natural protection, Topricin is not recommended as a sunscreen).

-Alleviate aches and pain and recreational injuries: Apply Topricin for relief of symptoms associated with sprains, strains, muscle cramps, lower back, neck, and shoulder pain, arthritis, joint pain, compression neuropathies and other pain issues.

Topricin is safe and natural and doesn’t contain parabens or use any volatile oils such as camphor, menthol, petroleum or lanolin, fragrances or irritating chemicals. Formulated for maximum absorption, Topricin can be applied many times a day as needed with no fear of overuse or interference with other medications.

“This is the time of year we can appreciate the great outdoors and with proper planning, preparation and foresight, we can make the most out of our fun in the sun and keep ourselves and our families safe and healthy,” says Lou Paradise, president and chief of research at Topical BioMedics.

Stay injury, pain and worry-free this summer. Topical BioMedics, the makers of Topricin, offer the following tips to help keep you and your family safe and make the most of these precious summer months.

-Use caution tanning. Avoid tanning between the hours of 10am and 4pm – this is the time when the sun is at its worst and can cause the most damage to your skin.

-Protect your skin. Use sun block whenever you go outdoors and be sure to use an SPF sunscreen of 15 or greater and that it protects both UVA and UVB rays. Apply sunscreen 30 minutes before going outside and reapply it every few hours after swimming.

-Stay hydrated. Dehydration is a common problem during the summer and the combination of dehydration and high temperatures can lead to heat exhaustion or heat stroke.

-Protect against pests. Be sure to stay on trails when walking or hiking and avoid high grass. Check yourself, family members and pets for ticks.

-Stretch out. Before engaging in any athletic activity, be sure to properly stretch your muscles. A good warm up, even for a low-impact activity, can help prevent muscle pulls, strains and other injuries.  Apply Topricin both pre- and post-activities to help reduce or alleviate pain and injuries.

-Protect yourself. Before you hop on a bike, lace up the rollerblades or get on an ATV, be sure to wear the proper protective gear. An extra layer of protection between you and the pavement such as helmets, wrist and elbow guards and knee pads can all make a big difference if you trip or fall.

To make your summer activities fun and pain free, Topricin is available in a convenient travel-friendly 2-ounce tube (MSRP $16.95) and is just the right size to tuck in your beach bag, tote, backpack or outdoors first aid kit. The product is also available in two larger sizes: 4-ounce jar (MSRP $24.95) and 8-ounce bottle (MSRP $39.95).

Topricin is available in pharmacies, natural food stores and other fine retailers nationwide, including Whole Foods, Vitamin Shoppe, Vitamin World, Fred Meyer, Wegmans, and other retail stores throughout the U.S., as well as direct from the Topical BioMedics’ online store.

To learn more about Topricin Pain Relief and Healing Cream, go to


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