Lily Bug Boutique Pretend MakeUp Review

 My girls love affair with pretend makeup is in full force. Finally, they have their own makeup that I don't have to worry about cleaning curtains, scrubbing faces and removing it. It's Lily Bug Pretend MakeUp and it is packed with playing power.

When it arrived, The Divine Miss M went nuts. She LOVES to play dress up alone, with her sister or with her dolls. She spends hours pretending to be getting ready for a fashion show, or walking her dolls down the cat-walk. Sometimes she meets important people, like Katy Perry or the Jonas Brothers. Other times, it's quiet tea time for two!

Lily Bug allows her imagination to explore all possibilities with pretend makeup that looks real, but doesn't make her look like she's going on 40!

Out of the box, it just kept coming. The Divine Miss M couldn't believe the selection. There was lipsticks, compacts, lip gloss, mascara, blush, eye shadows, a makeup bag and more!

lily bug giveaway

The variety on the lip and eye category is outstanding!

lily bug pretend makeup

The Divine Miss M loves the lipsticks because they look just like mine, only the containers are far more luxurious!  There are lipsticks in long slender tubes that made her giddy!

lily bug pretend make up

The colors are fun colors for little girls and most of them are ones I would wear (if it were real). The eyeshadows have a matte to glitter in a great selection of colors. Enough she has been able to coordinate with anything she wears!

lily bug

The Divine Miss M thinks the mascara is clever. It's just the wand in a silver tube just like one of the popular brands of mascara I use. The blush is pink! and check out those lip gloss tubes! Aren't they fun?!

The fingernail polish might be my favorite. I let the girls paint their nails, but it's a messy project. With Lily Bug, they can paint til the cows come home and I don't have to blow a fuse or clean up spilled polish. I love imagination!

lily bug pretend make up

Lily Bug offers real cosmetic tools and brushes to accompany the kits. They really add appeal to the set and make it seem even more real. The Beauty Queen loves to comb her eyebrows and they both love the powder brush.

Lily Bug Boutique is a great compromise it looks just like real makeup, but it is 100% fake and all mess free!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”.


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