Smith Bros Wellness Review

 For the last two weeks my immune system has failed me and let a cold take control of my life. I've been run down and trying to keep up. Then two days ago, when the cold medicine I was taking was gone and mucus-busting medication had dried out every orifice in my body to the point I was waking up three to four times a night trying to rehydrate my desert mouth, I remembered Smith Brothers had sent me a full line of products to help support your my immune system, conquer cold and flu symptoms, and help restore my of wellness following a sickness.

I busted out my Smith Brothers Wellness pack and put them to use. This is a real-life review as I have used the full assortment of their products.

Smith's Bros Throat Drops #review

Throat Drops: Smith Brothers Cough Drops are specially formulated to give fast relief.  While they can be used to soothe sore throats, I have used them to quiet my dry-hacking cough and relieve hoarseness.

They are available in eight flavors to include Wild Cherry, Black Licorice, and Warm Apple Pie. I'm just gonna tell you that the Warm Apple Pie are amazing! I love this flavor! It has a cinnamon taste that I'm crazy about. Surprisingly, the Wild Cherry tastes more like candy than the typical cherry cough drop I am accustomed to, and that's a good thing! They both taste good and are really helping keep my voice so my children complain about my annoying "Mom voice"!  My favorite, though are the black licorice...oh, my! They are delicious. I love, love, love the's just like black licorice should be.

Daily-C Chewable Tablets: Sadly, had I been using these I probably wouldn't be in this miserable state I'm in. Legend has it that if you feel a cold coming on or are around people who are sick, pop some vitamin C to boost your immune system. The Smith Brothers chewable tablets deliver the same amount of Vitamin C as four oranges! I've eaten them to try to get my immune system back on track. It needs all the strength to get through this nasty cold.

Zinc Boost Chewable Tablets: Okay, if I am being honest, these are my least favorite. They are strawberry flavored lozenges and each contains 5mg of Zinc which helps support the immune system. I'm not a fan of strawberries, but they are easy to chew.

Wild Berry with Caffeine Restore Electrolyte Drops: These were the first thing I took out of the Wellness Pack. I started taking an over-the-counter mucus buster to try to get the mucus out of my chest and it dried up every orifice in my body. My mouth was like a desert. My eyes were scratchy. It was terrible! Smith Brothers Wild Berry with Caffeine Restore Electrolyte Drops are hard drops formulated to help you feel better when your electrolytes are off-balance. Two drops contain the same amount of electrolytes as 8 ounces of the leading electrolyte beverage plus it contains caffeine to help restore energy. They taste very similar to a concentrated electrolyte beverage.  Within a few minutes, I felt better and could sit my water bottle down to get some rest.

I'm thankful for the Smith Brothers. Their line of wellness products is helping me function as I try to make it through this cold. I'm staying hydrated and able to carry a conversation without coughing. It's a beautiful thing!



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