How to Pick a Wedding Venue That Fits Your Style and Budget

 Every year, about 2.3 million people get married in the United States. That averages out to about 6,200 weddings a day.

With that many weddings, it can be difficult to find a venue for your special day.

Deciding on the perfect venue for your wedding can be a tough choice for some couples. Here's how to pick a wedding venue that's perfect for you.

Deciding on the perfect venue for your wedding can be a tough choice for some couples. Here's how to pick a wedding venue that's perfect for you.

How to Pick a Wedding Venue That Fits Your Style and Budget

Talk to Your Wedding Planner

Before you start researching and looking at places, you should talk to your wedding planner.

It's a wedding planner's job to know what all of the best wedding venues are, and they can give you some insight and help book the perfect one.

They will be able to know how big the spaces are, what the layout is, and what you will need to transform it into your perfect venue.

What Is Your Vision?

You should also think about what you want your wedding to look like.

This may be a no-brainer, but you should choose a venue that fits your wedding's ideal aesthetic.

For example, if you want more of a modern wedding, you may want to look at warehouses, art galleries, or bigger restaurants.

If you want more of a nature wedding, you should look at outdoor venues such as the beach, forests, or a ranch.

Choose a General Location

You should have a general idea of where you are going to get married.

People don't always have their wedding wherever they live; sometimes, they will travel to have it at a specific venue. Salt Lake City offers beautiful Temple Square wedding venues where many couples have said: "I do."

Sit down with your partner and talk about where you guys want to get married, and then you can start narrowing down your search from there.

Deciding on the perfect venue for your wedding can be a tough choice for some couples. Here's how to pick a wedding venue that's perfect for you.

Keep Your Budget in Mind

Before you start searching for venues, you should also sit down and come up with a budget.

This will help make sure that you only look at venues that you can afford. If you start looking at any venue, you may fall in love with one but then realize that you can't actually afford it.

You'll also have to consider more than just the cost of renting the venue out. You will have to factor in catering, decorations, and floral designs. These prices will start to add up quickly.

If you're not sure how to break down your budget and categorize all the necessities, you can always sit down with your wedding planner, and they can help you work it out.

Make a Guest List

Before you select a venue, you should also have a pretty-close-to-finalized guest list. You can't really select a venue when you aren't sure how many people are going to be at your venue.

Each wedding venue has a capacity for how many people it can hold. You don't want to book a venue and then realize that you will have to narrow down your guest list afterward. The maximum capacity number usually isn't flexible, either.

You should sit down with your partner and start coming up with a list of people you want or need to invite to the wedding. This way, you won't have any surprises or problems later on down the road trying to fit all the people into your dream wedding venue.

You should sit down with your partner and start coming up with a list of people you want or need to invite to the wedding. This way, you won't have any surprises or problems later on down the road trying to fit all the people into your dream wedding venue.

Be Flexible About Wedding Dates

In addition to knowing how many people are going to be at your wedding, you should also figure out how when you want to get married.

You will need to sit down and decide what is more important to you. Do you want to get married on a particular day, or do you want the perfect venue? Rarely, the two of these happen together.

If you don't have a specific date where you want to get married, you should at least have a general idea of which season you want to get married in. You should also have a list of dates that you don't want to get married on, like family birthdays or other anniversaries.

Planners recommend that you choose the location first rather than the date. Once you have chosen a date, that will really narrow your options down.

Deciding on the perfect venue for your wedding can be a tough choice for some couples. Here's how to pick a wedding venue that's perfect for you.

Visit Your Favorites

Once you've done a little bit of research and narrowed some of the venues down, make sure that you go and visit them in person!

When you're there in person, you will be able to take a tour and see if it is actually somewhere where you can see yourself getting married.

It's important to visit them in person because they may look different than their photos. Even though it will take time out of your busy schedule, it's important to see it before you sign a contract or before your wedding day.

You can also meet with the venue coordinator and ask them any questions if you have them. This is a good opportunity to see if you bond with the staff that works there, as well.

Sign the Contract!

Once you and your partner have done all the work of finding the perfect venue, this is when you will sit down and side a contract to book your venue.

You should make sure that you actually sit down and read it before you sign it. If there are any parts of the contract that you are confused about, you should make sure that you ask your venue coordinator.

You should also pay close attention to the payment portion. Do you pay it all upfront? Do you pay for it on a scheduled basis?

Learn More About How to Pick a Wedding Venue

Figuring out how to pick a wedding venue can be tricky, but if you follow our tips above, we're confident that you will find the perfect venue for you.

Planning a wedding can be a lot of work, but now you will have one part out of the way.

Make sure you check out some of our other blog posts to help you plan the rest!


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