Denver DUI Attorney Urges Moms To Tell Teenagers About Dangers Of Legal Marijuana And Driving

 If you have a teenager and you live in the state of Colorado, you will want to make sure you tell your teenagers about the dangers of using recreational marijuana, especially while driving.

The laws in Colorado regarding recreational marijuana can be complex.

Still, it is important that you become informed so that you can teach your teenagers how to follow the laws so that they can avoid getting caught up in the Colorado legal system.

In this article, We’ve listed a few essential information about the dangers of driving under the influence of legal marijuana.

We’ve listed a few essential information about the dangers of driving under the influence of legal marijuana.

Legal marijuana age restrictions 

If you are a mom and suspect your teenager of using marijuana, you will need to tell them that the legal age to use marijuana is 21.

Your child may not like you telling them this, but you should make sure to tell them that it is not you that made the rules and that the state has decided what the age limit for possessing and consuming marijuana is.

If your teenager is being stubborn, make sure you tell them that the age is set at 21 to help protect them as their brains are still developing.

They are susceptible to the additional risks of using marijuana while under the legal age. 

Driving Under the Influence Charges (DUI’s) 

If your teenager is using marijuana that is illegal in the state of Colorado, and you should always remind them that they are breaking the law if they are under 21.

With that being said, you should also remind them about how serious a DUI charge can be.

Driving under the influence can lead to major legal battles, and this can cause financial hardship for your family if you need to fight your case in court.

If it is already too late for your teenager and they have been charged with a DUI, the best thing you can do to help your case is to speak to a Denver DUI Attorney as they will be able to help you navigate the confusing legal process.

When you are selecting a DUI attorney, you will want to make sure they have extensive experience, especially dealing with underage DUI cases, because this will give you your best chance to fight your case. 

Driving under the influence is also one of the dangers of legal marijuana.

Driving impaired can lead to death

If your teenager is having a hard time understanding that driving while under the influence is dangerous, you should remind them that driving while under the influence of weed can result in death.

Driving while under the influence is very dangerous, especially as a teenager.

Since teenagers are new drivers and in most cases, have just recently obtained their driving license.

The combination of being a new driver and operating a vehicle while being impaired can lead to even more dangerous, and your teenager needs to understand this.

If you are a mom and you are having a hard time getting your teenager to understand make sure you show them some of the stories about people dying while driving high.

This may be the wake-up call that your teenager needs and will hopefully make them change their dangerous driving habits. 

Dealing with peer pressure and staying safe 

If you are a mom that has a teenager, you will understand how dangerous peer pressure can be.

The dangers of legal marijuana are something to consider.

You may think that your child has been raised properly, and that may be the case, but it is important to have the marijuana discussion with your child regardless.

As your child grows up and becomes a teenager, they are dealing with many hormonal changes, and it can lead to changes in their behavior and mood.

During this time, your teenager may be susceptible to peer pressure and may take marijuana if their friends are doing it.

Make sure you remind your kid that if they are ever in a situation that involves marijuana and they want to go home that they can call you for a ride. 

Make sure you remind your kid that if they are ever in a situation that involves marijuana and they want to go home that they can call you for a ride.


If you are a mom, make sure you tell your teenagers about the dangers of smoking weed and driving.

It is important to remind them that even smoking a little bit of weed or being around people who are smoking can get them high and cause them to be impaired.

As a mother, it is important to tell your teenager that you will always be there for them, even when they have made a mistake.

You can do this by telling them that they can always call you if they have done something bad and need a ride home.

It may be embarrassing to have your mom or dad picked you up, but it is much better than having to deal with a DUI case in the courts, attending your friend's funeral, killing an innocent person, or ending up dead. 

Please take a moment to consider the dangers of legal marijuana.


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