Three Trendy Weight Loss Diets
Exercise and diet together are the best combination for losing weight quickly and in a healthy way.
Of course, not everyone has time to exercise every day.
Even if you don't have time to go to the gym, it's easy to make time to watch what you eat.
Below are some of the newest trendy weight loss diets, what you can eat with them, and how they help to lose weight.
The Keto diet, also known as the ketogenic diet, is one of the most famous low-carbohydrate diets used today.
This trendy weight loss diet doesn't focus on cutting calories.
Instead, it focuses on cutting carbs. Carbs (carbohydrates) are often rich in calories.
So, replacing foods like tortillas with lettuce wraps can help to reduce calorie intake naturally.
Along with cutting carbs, the diet also encourages people to eat more fats, lean meat, and vegetables. It's also gluten-free friendly!
While on the Keto diet, you can still eat MOST foods. However, there are some you will need to cut out of your diet.
While on Keto, you cannot eat fruit, grains (pasta, bread, rice, quinoa), root vegetables (potato and carrot), beans, sugar, sweets and pastries, refined oils, alcohol, juice, sweet tea, soda, sweetened coffee, and sugary sauces (ketchup, BBQ sauces, and salad dressing).
The Paleo diet focuses on eating how our ancient ancestors ate.
This trendy weight loss diet works by cutting out processed foods and foods that humans would otherwise not naturally eat without the aid of modern farming and technology.
This helps to cut out some calorie-rich foods and foods that are otherwise bad for our health.
On the Paleo diet, there is a long list of foods you can and cannot eat.
For the most part, you can eat all fruits, vegetables, trees nuts, seeds, and meats.
However, you need to cut out all processed foods, grains, baked goods, and dairy products.
The HCG diet essentially requires eating low amounts of calories and taking the prescription hormone HCG.
The HCG hormone is often found in (naturally) high amounts in women who are pregnant.
However, you do not need to be pregnant to take HCG.
There are a few steps to this diet, as described in more detail below.
The first step is to take (the doctor prescribed dosage) of HCG every day for two or three days.
During these days, you are encouraged to eat fatty and calorie-rich foods.
This could even be fast food or sweets!
Next, continue taking HCG every day for three to six weeks; however, try to eat only 500 calories a day, focusing on eating proteins and vegetables.
Usually, people need to eat more than this to be healthy, but taking HCG helps your body to function on a lower amount of calories.
Once you reach your weight loss goal, stop taking HCG and up your calorie count to about 1500-2000 calories a day.
This will help you to maintain the weight you have achieved.
Now that you know about these three trendy weight loss diets, will you give one a try?
Make sure to talk to your doctor before making any major dietary changes.
If you get permission from your doctor, give one of these a shot to see how much weight you can lose!
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