The Proper Way to Groom Your Dog at Home
Dogs are man’s best friend.
They are loyal, smart, unselfish, and what better way to return the favor than a proper groom?
Good grooming is important for both the dog and the owner.
It’s a bonding time for you and your dog to spend quality time.
Professional grooming is always easy and convenient however, they cost a pretty penny.
It’s therefore paramount to have some basics when it comes to grooming at home.
Dog grooming takes time and patience.
It’s a process that should be done meticulously and in no rush.
Good dog grooming scissors are essential in making sure you safely cut your dog’s hair.
Practice makes perfect when it comes to grooming. The more you use your scissors, the better skills you get.
Below is a step by step guideline on an easy routine to grooming your favorite pet at home.
Grooming should be done in a noise-free place, free from unnecessary distractions.
Start by socializing with your dog to make sure it’s as comfortable as possible.
Give your dog some treats to create a positive association before anything.
Place the dog on a non-slip grooming table at a height that is comfortable for you.
Take time to brush the dog’s hair working in sections to make sure no spot is left out.
Brushing especially for dogs with long fur is crucial as it gets the majority of dirt out of the coat.
This makes it easy to bathe the dog.
Place the dog in some lukewarm water either in a bathtub or a bucket.
Slowly wet and shampoo the dog from tail to head.
Use high-quality premium shampoo, as cheaper options can be harsh to the skin of the dog.
Thoroughly rinse off the shampoo to ensure none is left on the coat.
Give the dog some few minutes for a good shake to dry the fur.
Towel the dog to make sure the fur is well dried.
When it comes to trimming your dog's coat at home, it’s imperative to have the necessary tools.
Don’t be tempted into buying cheaper tools as they can cause some serious damage to your dog.
Dog grooming scissors ought to be clean and sharp.
Start the trimming process from the neck and slowly work your way down to the back.
Be steady with the scissors especially around the undercarriage of the dog to avoid poking sensitive areas.
Trim as you comb the fur to maintain the same length throughout the body.
The face is the most difficult part when it comes to grooming.
Rounded tip scissors are the best to clip the hair around the face.
Start with the hairs from one ear to the next while working in rows and then between the eyes of a dog.
Dog’s nails should be regularly checked every 3-6 weeks as they tend to overgrow.
An easy way to check the length of the nails is by looking at your dog when they stand straight.
The nails shouldn’t touch the floor and if they do, then it’s perhaps time for a clip.
Use sharp clippers to trim the nails but be careful not to cause any bleeding.
The final step is checking that you have trimmed all the hair and clipped the nails of the dog properly.
Brush the whole body with a large round comb again to check that the hair is even out.
Reward your dog with some treats for a job well done.
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