Share May Flowers and Elevate Women's Health


Why Share MayFlowers? The Vision Behind It

Founder's Reflections

May, the month of renewal and blossoming blooms, already dedicates days to honoring mothers and promoting women's health. But Founder Jessica McKinney believes, "Not enough!" She envisions an entire month focused on conversations and actions regarding female pelvic and perinatal health.

Celebrating Womanhood

Embracing Femininity

Jessica, a proud woman herself, celebrates her love for all things feminine, from miniskirts to painted nails. She cherishes the challenges of childbearing and breastfeeding, embodying the strength and intuition that define womanhood. Women worldwide share an unspoken sisterhood, transcending language barriers.

The Resilience of Women

Women are a complex tapestry of beauty and strength. Despite enduring pelvic pain or urinary incontinence, they often prioritize their partner's needs over their health. This resilience can come at a cost, affecting their sensuality. Share MayFlowers aims to change this narrative.

Inspiring Strength

Heroes Among Us

Jessica finds inspiration in strong women like Lyn Lusi, who co-founded Heal Africa in the Democratic Republic of Congo, providing hope and healing. She also admires Brittany Howard of Alabama Shakes, whose music empowers and captivates. These women exemplify strength in different ways.

A Platform for Change

Breaking Taboos

Despite progress in women's health awareness, some topics remain taboo. Share MayFlowers aims to spark open discussions about female pelvic and perinatal health. It's a platform for advocacy, education, and connection, bridging the public, media, and healthcare providers.

Real Issues, Real Change

Facing the Facts

Statistics underline the urgency. Nearly 80% of US women experience childbirth. Pregnancy significantly increases the risk of urinary incontinence. Chronic pelvic pain affects women disproportionately. These issues affect real people—women like you and your loved ones.

Taking Action

Postpartum Neglect

Why do women receive guidance for sprained ankles but not for postpartum recovery? Share MayFlowers challenges this norm. It's time for women to receive the support they deserve during the physical journey of pregnancy and childbirth.

Key Share MayFlowers Insights

Handmade Flowers with Purpose

Share MayFlowers' signature flowers are handmade by female artisans in Honduras from cornhusks. Purchasing and wearing these flowers supports women's causes and adds a touch of beauty to your life.

Launching with Enthusiasm

Share MayFlowers embarks on its journey with limited time and resources. Your patience is appreciated as this initiative grows over the years.

Contributions Make a Difference

All funds contribute to Share MayFlowers' mission. You can make tax-deductible donations through the Women's ACTION Initiative (WAI).

Join the Movement

There are many ways to get involved: buy flowers, spread the word, and stay connected via social media. Share your suggestions for future initiatives; this is just the beginning!

Share MayFlowers - Blooming for Change

Join us in celebrating the strength and resilience of women while advocating for their pelvic and perinatal health. Together, we can break barriers and bring about meaningful change. Are you ready to wear and share some flowers?


Disclosure of Material Connection: I received the information above for free from May Flowers in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”.


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